According to the Snoqualmie Valley School District, Tuesday morning, April 28, 2015, a Twin Falls Middle School student discovered a hand-written note in a classroom stating that a bomb would explode at 10:30AM.
The threat was immediately reported to the office, 911 was called and by 10AM, as a precautionary measure, the school building was evacuated, with students and staff safely moved to the outside fields.
A student reported that school administrators notified staff and students via the school’s intercom system that the building should be evacuated immediately and that the evacuation was not a drill. That student estimated the school was emptied within five minutes, following practiced protocol.
The King County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Unit responded and swept the building with bomb-sniffing canines, where they determined the threat was a prank. By 11:30AM, students and staff were allowed to return to the building and resume their day.
According to the SVSD website, “While it is unfortunate that the school experienced disruption today, please know that our schools take threats very seriously and will always take precautions as appropriate to ensure the safety of our students and staff.”
Parents were notified about the threat via the district’s website and email, and asked not to attempt to access the school during the incident so that emergency responders could assess and resolve the situation.
More information can be found on the Snoqualmie Valley School District website.