Big News, New Chapter for Local Company; Le Chic Pet Takes Training, Grooming Mobile

This is the latest guest column from North Bend resident and Pet Trainer for LeChic Pet of Issaquah, Melissa Grant.  Le Chic made the tough choice to close their storefront and take the business mobile.  If you’re like many Valley residents with a pet and are considering training, Melissa explains benefits and drawbacks to different types of training options.  Good Luck to Le Chic Pet in the new venture!

We have elected to close out storefront and go mobile. Le Chic Pet will continue to offer both in home training and grooming. Our last day in thedogtraining store was July 28th. We continue to offer personalized lesson plans to work on Leash manners, Basic and advanced obedience, House breaking, puppy welcomes, dog reactivity and problem solving.

One of the most frequent questions we get about our training program at Le Chic Pet is… How do our private lessons differ from group classes offered at other facilities? And which option is best from me and my pup? Most people have no idea which option to choose. Let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks for both to help you make the best decision possible for your personal situation.

Private Training Benefits

  • Lessons are scheduled at your convenience. No need to rush home from work to make that 6:00 class. Lessons are whenever you want them to be.
  • We come to you! No worries about bundling the dog and kids into the car to head off to some far-flung training facility. Le Chic Pet comes right to your doorstep.
  • The training program is tailored specifically to your needs. You tell us what needs fixing and that’s what we work on. If Scruffy already sits, we don’t need to work on sit.
  • Distractions are kept to a minimum. No neighboring dog to get your pooch off task.
  • You get all the trainers attention!
  • Pup school can take place anywhere you need help. Is Scruffy not paying attention at the park? We go to the park! Vet visits a problem? Dr. Doggie here we come.

Group Training Benefits

  • Other dogs can help provide distractions to practice you exercises
  • Tend to be less expensive
  • It’s fun to have the comradery of other pet parents and their pooches

Private Training Drawbacks

  • Can be more expensive to have the luxury of your own private teacher
  • No other dogs around to help you practice
  • No other students to share in the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat

Group Training Drawbacks

  • The trainer has to pay attention to all the students and you may get very little one on one time.
  • If you have any issues that crop up such as barking, nipping, digging or jumping up, the teacher may not be able to address or solve them in the time allowed for class
  • The distraction of between 9 to 14 other dogs, small children and other adults giving commands may just be too much or your pooch to handle. It’s hard for Scruffy to pay attention when there are so many exciting sights and sounds to check out!

Whichever option you choose it is important to train your dog to be the best possible canine citizen he or she can be. Training your pooch means he can be a happy healthy member of your household without restriction on his movement. A trained dog is a free dog! No banishment to other rooms when guests come over and inclusion in outdoor functions. Training your dog can save his life. Sometimes in life there are times when you need to gain immediate control over him (eg a car is coming, he slips his collar).  Training benefits both dog and owner.

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