In an update to Thursday’s story, it turns out the North Bend burglary suspect who led police on a high-speed car chase along I-90 and later surrendered on the Northbound I-405 on-ramp, didn’t just decide to stop running and give up – he actually ran out of gas.
The 10+ minute chase that included erratic driving, 90MPH speeds and passing light afternoon traffic on road shoulders, luckily did not end with any injuries. The collaboration of the King County Sheriff’s Office, Snoqualmie and Sammamish Police and Washington State patrol ended with the arrests of the 33-year old and 37-year old Renton couple.

Some delay tactics by alert Sno Falls Credit Union employees helped lead to the arrest of the female robbery suspect. The woman entered the Snoqualmie IGA store and attempted to cash a stolen check at the Sno Falls Credit Union branch located within the store.
According to a credit union employee, the check was in access of $1000, which prompted them to call the check’s bank to verify funds before cashing. It was during that call that the branch manager learned the check was stolen. They were able to stall the suspect for about 10 minutes by telling her they were on hold with the other bank. The suspect, tired of waiting, left the store just as Snoqualmie Police were arriving on the scene to apprehended her.
After her accomplice’s police pursuit ended, the out of gas car was sealed and towed to a secure facility, waiting for a search warrant. It was during the car’s search that detectives discovered it had actually run out of gas, which was why the suspect stopped running. Detectives also recovered a handgun that was stolen in the North Bend burglary, along with multiple identification cards.
Detectives are continuing their investigation into the criminal activities of the pair.