It’s that time of year – packing away holiday decorations and saying goodbye to another festive season in the Snoqualmie Valley. Did you know? This time of year also happens to coincide with the biggest fundraiser for local Boy Scout Troops 115, 425 and 466.
If you’d like to recycle your tree and support these local troops, just have your tree curbside or at the end of your driveway by 8am, Saturday, January 5th – along with a suggested donation of $15 inside an envelope attached to the base of the tree.
Boy Scouts delivered envelopes door-to-door in December, but if you can’t find yours, any envelope will do. Checks should be made out to BSA Troop 115. No cash please.
All decorations and tinsel should be removed. Sorry – flocked trees can’t be accepted. Trees will be picked up in Fall City, North Bend and Snoqualmie January 5th only, from 9am – 4pm.

Is the collection on Saturday 1/4 or Sunday 1/5? Thank you,
Shauna 214-621-2255