A Tokul Road roundabout near the Snoqualmie Falls and The Salish Lodge has been city plan for over a decade, dating back to Mayor Fuzzy Fletcher days and when Mayor Larson was still a city council member, and sometimes described as being a ‘gateway’ to the upper Snoqualmie Valley.
Well, it appears it the roundabout is finally coming to fruition as residents begin to notice construction in the area where Tokul Road, SR 202 and Millpond Road all converge.
Friday, July 10, 2015 via press release, the City of Snoqualmie stated it is at long last moving forward with its plan to develop a roundabout at Tokul Road between Snoqualmie Falls Park and the SR 202 Bridge.
The project is currently underway, estimated to be completed in May 2016. The city warns, though, the roundabout is weather dependent which mean it could take longer.
The city says the project will “greatly improve the intersection at Tokul Road and SR 202 by reconfiguring the roadway into a single-lane modern roundabout.” It is also expected to help slow vehicles in the notoriously busy area, improving both traffic and pedestrian safety.
The Tokul Roundabout project includes installation of a new storm drainage system, illumination system, curb and gutter, walkways and sidewalks, roadway paving, channelization, signing, landscaping, irrigation, and offsite wetland mitigation.
The City said residents should expect SR 202 to have narrowed shoulders and occasional single-lane closures during the year-long project. Tokul Road will also be closed during most of the construction period, reopening as final pavement is placed on that part of the roundabout.
More information about detour routes and Tokul Road Roundabout plans are posted on the City of Snoqualmie website. More information on the benefits of roundabouts can be found on the Washington State Department of Transportation.