The Snoqualmie Firefighters Association Santa Parade was a huge success thanks to hundreds of Snoqualmie residents. The community donated over 6,000 pounds of food for the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank, completely filling an 18-foot trailer.
Residents placed food donations in their driveways while kids waved to firefighters, police officers, Santa Claus, and Phoebe the Firedog. Children received a candy cane treat and took lots of socially distanced photos.
One resident said, “Our little girl was really excited to see the fire truck, ambulance, and Santa! It’s definitely what everyone needed this year!”
“At a time when so many people are struggling, residents turned out to support their neighbors in need,” said Snoqualmie Fire Chief Mark Correira. “This was a great example of the community, the firefighters, and police officers coming together in what may become an annual tradition.”

The Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank is located in North Bend and serves Snoqualmie, North Bend, Fall City, and Preston residents. Currently, it offers curbside pick-up on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More info: or 425-888-7382