Kicking Cancer’s Butt | Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life Gears up for 15th Year with Kick-off Event

It’s that time of year again – time for the annual kickoff of Snoqualmie Valley Relay (RFL). Teams and committee members are gearing up for their 15th year celebrating Relay For Life, which honors cancer victims, survivors and caregivers and raises money for important research that hopefully will one day eradicate a disease that alters so many lives each year.

Chances are cancer has touched your life – directly or indirectly. It is a brutal disease that does not discriminate. Eight years ago,relay in just a three-week time span, I lost my own father to renal cancer. I am thankful for the passion and commitment of the Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life organizers and participants, who return year after year to make sure that the summer ‘relay’ continues to happen here at home.

Organizers want to emphasize that Relay For Life is not an exclusive club –  despite myths that may circulate the community. It is  a community based event and all community members are urged to become more involved.

Relay for Life organizer, Bev Jorgensen, says cancer is very real to all of us and the important event that has been fundraising and honoring those affected has been at it for over three decades now.

She says Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life is here to support those affected by all forms of cancer. Not only does RFL raise funds for research, but also helps provide transportation to patients as needed and lodging for families needing to travel from home for treatment. Bev says these things are just the beginning of support they supply to cancer survivors and caregivers.

So… a great way to find out more about Snoqualmie Valley Relay for life, and how you can be involved, is to attend the group’s big Kick-off event on Wednesday, January, 20, 2016 at 6PM at the North Bend Theatre. Registration is open at the event for those ready to jump on board .

The Kick-off agenda includes a Silent Auction, Special guest speakers, a Mystery guest entertainer, food for purchase – making for a fun, informative format.

Bev says their goal this year is to reach out to the community – beyond past years’ participants – and truly make Relay a community event.  She says new teams are welcome and they are always open to visiting with with community members about Relay.

Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life happens on July 9th from 2PM to 8AM. Teams involved in the big event will spend the next few months fundraising (with fun events) – leading up to the July overnight fundraising walk where teams camp near the track and take turns walking (yes, all night).

The July 9th, family friendly event is filled with food, games, entertainment – and a special luminary ceremony honors local lives lost to cancer. It is always a special summer event in the Snoqualmie Valley – with months of volunteer work making the event possible each year.

The survivor lap at the 2015 Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life event. Photo: SVRFL Facebook page
The survivor lap at the 2015 Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life event.

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