2020 Snoqualmie Valley Educators of the Year announced, surprised at school

Last week the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation announced the winners of its annual Educators of the Year award. 

This year’s winners are:

  • Elementary School: Colleen Myers, Fall City Elementary School
  • Middle School: Curtis Betzler, Chief Kanim Middle School
  • High School: Mary Jill Nelson, Mount Si High School
  • Classified Staff: Melody Ramsey, Mount Si High School Food Services.

The teachers were surprised at school last week by SVSF members – a big tradition – and told about their award.

According to the SVSF announcement, “These educators exemplify commitment to excellence in education and dedication to our students and the community.  Nominations came from colleagues, parents, and students and were evaluated by an independent committee of the Snoqualmie Valley.”

The 2020 Educators of the Year will be publicly honored at the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation Spring Fundraising Luncheon on Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 11:30AM to 1PM at the Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club. 

Organizers say the entire community is invited to honor these educators and to hear from students and teachers how the Foundation’s funding impacts classrooms across the valley. 

Visit the Foundation’s website at www.SVSFoundation.org for more information or to RSVP.

About: The Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to building community support to provide the best possible education for Every Student in Every Classroom at Every School.

[All photos courtesy of the Snoqualmie Valley School District]

Colleen Myers. PC: SVSD
Curtis Betzler, PC: SVSD
Mary Jill Nelson
Melody Ramsey, PC: SVSD

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