Snoqualmie Sunday Morning Giggles: "I've Been Pranked"

There’s nothing like a windy night to hide the noise of some busy high school pranksters.  Yes, Mount Si students were at it again last night, only this time the target was my house.

I will admit, it was a pretty good prank.  I am also grateful it wasn’t eggs or messy toilet paper blowing around the neighborhood.

We opened our blinds this sunny Sunday morning to a front yard full of forks, lots of signs and some other things I won’t mention because that part of the prank was on the gross side; pranking criticism – skip the gross part next time ladies.

So Gateway Gas, Snoqualmie Falls Dental, H&R Block and others, we’ll return your signs later today.  To the bored girls who were out pranking last night… I know who you are.  But don’t worry, I’m not squealing.

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